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Bayan Airag Exploration LLC organized an “Open Day” event in Durvuljin and Erdenekhairkhan soum.

Every year, Bayan Airag Exploration LLC organizes an “Open Day” event to report its annual operation for all citizens of Durvuljin and Erdenekhairkhan soum.

This year’s event has been organized in Durvuljin soum on 05th Dec, 2015 and in Erdenekhairkhan soum on 06th Dec, 2015.

During the event in Durvujin soum, Bayan Airag Exploration LLC has presented its operation and programs of human resource, finance, operation, and environment, health safety training and discussed the implementation of the Cooperation agreement made with soum and reported the social responsibility programs to over 100 citizens who were participating the event.

For the “Open Day” event in Erdenekhairkhan soum, our professionals and other relevant employees have provided the above mentioned info to over 170 citizens and answered their questions. 

The most common questions from those citizens were regarding the environmental issues, open vacancies, salary, living condition at the camp, processing amount, chemical use and its control, water usage and its control or inspection, tax, implementation of Cooperation agreement and the investment.  

Bayan Airag Exploration LLC has donated amount of 1,000,000 tugrug toy to Erdenekhairkhan soum’s kindergarten during the “Open Day” event.